Brasov was for centuries the gate between Valachia (southern Romania ), Moldavia (the Eastern region) and Transylvania having its own special commercial privileges. Therefore, craftsmen and traders prospered in the city. The city was founded in the Middle Ages, but the exact date cannot ne told. What we are sure of is that the Saxon settlers who came during the 13 th century already found a Romanian community here – the city stands as a living proof of how this two cultures met.

The best-know monument in Brasov is the gothic “The Black Church”, built during the 14 th century. Initially named “St. Mary’s Church”, it was partially destroyed during the great fire of 1689. The curch holds the largest organ in Europe – concerts are held every week.

As Brasov was frequently attacked by the Turks, defensive walls and tours were built – it soon became the strongest fortified city of Transylvania – the old citadel still stands, as well as the Weavers’ Tower.
Brasov is also one of the favorite holiday resorts in Romania – its surrounding offers great sights equally in summer as in winter.